Daily Dose of Protest: Predator In Chief (Acoustic) – War On Women

Photo from Bridge Nine Records.

Feminist hardcore punk band, War On Women, recently released an acoustic version of “Predator In Chief,” a song which originally appeared on their exceptional 2018 album, Capture The Flag (which was one of the best protest albums of 2018 so far). The stripped down tune is featured on their upcoming EP, Live From Magpie Cage, which is due out November 9, 2018. Both versions are a scathing indictment of a system which willingly elevate sexual abusers to positions of powers.

The tune takes on further resonance with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. Donald Trump also openly mocked Christine Blasey Ford, one of multiple women to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault. A sexual predator as President of the USA is already an attack on women, but the confirmation of Kavanaugh just compounds the frustrations that many have already been justifiably feeling.

The tune is a rousing anthem of defiance. Regardless of “whose in office/ there is more of us/ you already lost.”

Previously featured their tune, “Anarcha” as a Daily Dose of Protest.