One advantage of having a music blog is that people message you suggesting certain songs and artists. Several of these recommendations I was considering featuring as part of the poorly misnamed Daily Dose of Protest, but due to my sporadic posting never had the opportunity. In order to rectify that, I will now feature a few socially conscious tunes that are worth a listen. If you are an indie artist, music representative or fan that have any songs you feel deserve a spotlight please feel free to contact me.
Another Shooter – Rene Trossman
Trossman is a veteran blues guitarist who got his start in Chicago blues clubs back in 1985. He is currently residing in Prague, where he tours extensively throughout Europe. “Another Shooter” is a poignant indictment of gun violence which he released in November 2018.
The Mueller Report – Deena
Deena is singer-songwriter Deena Shoshkes who was part of acclaimed 1980s indie-pop duo The Cucumbers. As a solo artist, she released two albums, her most recent being 2014’s Rock River. She recently released “The Mueller Report,” a topical tune whose subject is self-explanatory.
On her website, she made the following statement about the tune: “I have piles of little home demos that I make just for fun, and rarely share. But I figured I’d share this one, just because… it has a shelf life of about a week.”
Thoughts and Prayers – Josh Okeefe
Okeefe is a UK folksinger who currently resides in Nashville. His songs are reminiscent of past artists such as Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie. Even though stylistically he may be a throw-back, lyrically he often provides insightful social commentary on modern issues.
“Thoughts and Prayers” was written in response to the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting which took place in Parkland, Florida. He appropriately posted the tune on February 14, 2019, which was the one year anniversary of the tragic occurrence.
Bang One Out – Whisperado
“Bang One Out” is the title track of the New York’s roots-rock band’s 2019 EP. The lyrics convey a stirring anti-war and anti-hate message. The lyric video also features images of war memorials, political rallies, the post-election Women’s March contrasted with visuals of people and animals at peace with their surroundings. It also has some similarities to their 2016 topical tune and video, “Mass Extinction #6“.
“Most of our songs aren’t topical,” says Jon Sobel, Whisperado’s primary songwriter, “but the situation around the world today calls for artists to say something. ‘Bang One Out’ isn’t political in a specific way. It calls out violence and injustice around the world. The focus is shifted from animal extinction – from our abuse of the planet – to the human cost of man’s inhumanity to man. But still, the new video uses animal imagery to remind us that the fates of all species are tied together.”
Imetawan – Ahmed Ag Kaedy
“Imetawan” is the first single from Ahmed Ag Kaedy recently released album Akaline Kidal. The singer-songwriter is currently in exile from his city in Northern Mali. The tumultuous political climate he was exposed to help produce a beautiful life-affirming album which rallies against war and pleads for peace.
By My Silence – SONiA disappear fear
Develop and Deploy Empathy – Calm.
Calm. is a duo made up of rapper Time and beat-maker Awareness.
“Develop and Deploy Empathy” is off their latest album Things I Learned While Dying in Denver, which was released on November 16, 2018. On the album’s Bandcamp page it is described as being “an album about failing, failing better, doing an autopsy on yourself and breaking open the gold coated egg of capitalism to see the dirtiness inside to navigate away from alienation.”
Time is also a solo artist who is actively involved within protest movements. He has composed songs for ICE protests and Occupy Wall Street. He is also a journalist who has published articles with Noam Chomsky.