“I Might Need Security” is one of four new tunes just released by acclaimed Chicago indie rapper Chance The Rapper. Chance is no stranger to exploring socially conscious themes, but this tune may be his most political.
In the song, Chance starts off by declaring “I ain’t no activist, I’m the protagonist.” Whatever title you want to give him he his known for his community involvement and speaking out on issues of systemic poverty, racism and police brutality. He also has donated millions of dollars to Chicago public schools to help combat the increase in school closures.
These issues are also addressed in the lyrics to “I Might Need Security”. He scathingly indicts Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and police officers who receive paid leave after shooting unarmed black people with the lyric “And Rahm you done I’m expectin’ resignation /An open investigation on all of these paid vacations for murderers”.
On November 8, 2017 Chance gave a speech to Chicago City Council where he spoke out against a proposed 95 million dollar police training center. He argued that the money would be better spent on funding mental health programs and public education.
Opponents of the proposed project argue that since the Chicago Police Department refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem with the targeting and profiling of black people it is unlikely that throwing excessive amounts of money at them will address the systemic issues.
Chance continues to be an active independent voice who continues to shed light on important issues.