Anti-police brutality activist Erica Garner died of a heart attack on the morning of December 30, 2017 at the age of 27. Her tireless activism was motivated by personal tragedy. Her father Eric Garner was choked to death by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo on July 17, 2014. The incident was caught on tape, where he uttered the words “I Can’t Breathe” eleven times. Those words became a rally cry at protest rallies.
Unfortunately, Pantaleo was never indicted. That injustice propelled Erica to speak out to draw awareness and promote meaningful change. She didn’t want other families to experience the needless loss that she experienced. Concerning her activism, Bernie Sanders (who Erica actively campaigned for during the 2016 election) made the following statement: “I had the honor of getting to know Erica and I was inspired by the commitment she made working towards a more just world for her children and future generations. She was a fighter for justice and will not be forgotten.”
“This Ends Today” was released on January 8, 2015 by the family of Eric Garner. It begins with a sound byte of Garner saying “I Can’t Beathe”. The music video also includes some of the disturbing footage of Garner being murdered. The tune includes Erica rapping the following verse: “Justice or all, not justice for one/This is how all this begun/What was the circumstances of his death?/Why couldn’t he take another breath? /To the grand jury I have a bone to pick/The decision that they made really made me sick.” The song poignantly described the pain that Erica and other families members were feeling. Sadly, there is still too many families that are experiencing the unnecessary anguish of losing family members to police brutality. RIP Erica Garner.