Margo Price’s 2017 album All American Made was one of The Top 25 Protest Album of 2017. The title track of that album was also one of the Top 50 Protest Songs of 2017.
Another highlight from All American Made is “Pay Gap”. The tune deals with pay inequality among genders. She states that in the eyes of God everyone is equal, “but in the eyes of rich white men, no more than a maid to be owned like a dog, A second-class citizen”. She attacks the patriarchy that created the system of inequality and responds to critics that dismiss legitimate gripes as “feminism crap”.
The song is also timely in light of the new Time’s Up movement, which not only fights sexual harassment, but also fights workplace inequality. On a positive front, Iceland has just became the 1st country to make it illegal for women to be paid less than a man for doing the same job. So hopefully that is a step towards greater progress on a global scale.