On May 25 George Floyd was murdered by a white police officer who placed his knee on Floyd’s neck, while Floyd uttered the words “I can’t breathe.” Three other police officers served as accomplices to the murder.
In the aftermath, there were countless protests though out America and other countries. The ongoing protests and the differing responses to them further highlight the racial divide that exists.
The anger and sadness felt during such traumatic events can be hard to express. If you happen to be a musician it is only natural to would express your feelings in song, which is exactly what Chloë Nixon did. The 16-year-old singer-songwriter wrote the poignant “I Can’t Breathe” to articulate her feelings on the tragedy.
The following statement about the tune was made on the song’s YouTube page: “I couldn’t help but use the most powerful language in the world to speak on the tragic injustices towards black people that have been occurring. I dedicate this song to George Floyd and family, all other victims and their families, humanity, everyone in pain, and everyone lost during these difficult times. Know that it is crucial to fight for justice and make sure it is known that we see the toxic conditions of our system and that we will not tolerate it! Also know that humanity must keep our vibrations of love and strength! We must invest more in the victimized communities and stop investing in the privileged ones. When we unite we shall overcome. We shall not let any entity take our attention away from the injustice that we are fighting for.”
In the history of protest movements, it is often the young ones who speak the loudest. The previous generations have failed them and they won’t take it anymore.
Those of us who are older, it is important that we listen and support the youths that desire a better world than the one we are currently leaving to them. Those of us who are white need to listen to black people and amplify black voices. Only then will lasting change be possible.