Back on November 20, 2019, Chilean feminist collective Las Tesis first performed ‘Un Violador en Tu Camino (A Rapist in Your Path).” to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
The song may have been directed at the police and government agents who sexually tortured women in Chile, but state and police sexual violence is not isolated to a specific geographical location. It is global in scope.
The song ended up becoming a viral international anthem. It has been performed during countless rallies worldwide.
The tune was also recorded by American hardcore band War On Women, under the title “In Your Path” which appeared on their exceptional 2020 album (one of the best protest albums of 2020).
The album was released just before the US presidential election. Considering the US Supreme Court has two alleged rapists and both presidential candidates were alleged rapists the lyrical reference to “the judges and the president” takes on additional relevance.
The band also recently released a video that juxtaposed images from both the US and the 2019 Chilean protest against inequality.
War on Women frontwomen also discusses the lyrics and tune on her excellent podcast But Her Lyrics...