Daily Dose of Protest: Liberated – DeJ Loaf and Leon Bridges

“Liberated” is the title track off of Detroit rapper Dej Loaf upcoming album. The tune also features soulful contributions from Leon Bridges.

The celebratory music video begins with several people of color and LGBTQ  discussing their viewpoints on liberation and freedom. From there DeJ Loaf kicks in with the opening verse which offers a shout out to the “the girls that don’t need no makeup when they wake up”. Part of liberation could involve the refusal to conform to societal standards of beauty norms. Bridges also builds upon this in one of his verses with “You don’t have to aim to please, or be a certain way / Don’t aspire to be what you see in the magazines”.

The song also promotes the importance of acceptance which is highlighted with the line: “I won’t judge who you love, or your brown skin”.

In order to help promote the single, Dej Loaf, on June 8th, 2018, paid for everyone marriage licences, LGBTQ and otherwise, at New York City Hall.

Instead of letting differences divide, the positive message of this diversity anthem is all about embracing what makes us unique.