“Fear is not so far from hate
So if you get the folks to fear
It only takes one small twist
To kick it up a gear”
The following lyrics are from “The Things We Do To Each Other”, a track off of Cowboy Junkies new album, All That Reckoning. That line is the perfect synopsis of the prevailing xenophobia that currently exists in the USA and other countries. Fear leads to the justification of hateful actions such as border officials separating children from their parents.
Concerning the latest effort from the pioneering Canadian alt-country band, guitarist Micheal Timmins made the following statement in a press release: “These songs are about reckoning on a personal level and reckoning on a social level. So much is going on around us right now and nobody knows where it’s going to end up.”
The band addresses the children separation issue more directly on “Missing Children”. Another socially conscious tune off of the album is “Sing Me a Song” which is an examination of the current political turmoil being experienced in America.
Margo Timmins ethereal vocals are the perfect vehicle for delivering timely messages for the times we’re living in.