11 Aretha Franklin Protest Songs

On August 16, 2018 Aretha Franklin passed away at 76 years of age, due to pancreatic cancer. Very few artists have had the indelible impact on music that the “Queen of Soul” Aretha Franklin had. Many of her tunes also expressed a keen understanding of the human condition, and her soaring vocals transformed many songs into anthems of empowerment. Here […]

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Protest Music Hall of Fame: Respect – Aretha Franklin

When determining whether or not a song meets the definition of a protest tune, an important factor is intent. Often, it is the intent of the songwriter. At other times, it is the intention of the singer. It is possible to have two versions of the same song, and only one of the versions is a protest song. A notable […]

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80 Years of Protest Songs Part 2: 1959-1978

80 Years of Protest Songs Part 1: 1939-1958 80 Years of Protest Songs Part 3: 1979-1998 80 Years of Protest Songs Part 4: 1999-2018 The 1960s ushered in what is often considered the golden age of protest tunes. Civil rights and the Vietnam War were hot button topics. Many of these issues spilled over into the 70s. Along with folk […]

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