20 Protest Songs of Neil Young

The iconic Canadian singer-songwriter is still going strong six decades into his career. He has also lived in the States for several years and officially became a US citizen in 2020. Neil Young has long been vocal about American policies and politicians. He has also been an outspoken environmentalist and has often explored those themes in his music. Here is […]

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15 Protest Songs About Climate Change

Source: Markus Spiske | Pexels One of the objectives of this website is to document music’s link to different protest movements. Music often mirrors what is happening in the world, so it is no surprise that many protest tunes address environmental concerns. Here is a small sampling of songs that deal with climate change. Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) – Marvin […]

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A Month Of Protest: January

January tends to be a relatively slow month in terms of new releases, but it still managed to produce plenty of socially conscious music. Here is a sampling. Songs/Videos: I Can’t Stand It! (featuring Samuel T. Herring & Jae Matthews) – Algiers This poignant tune about loss leans more towards the personal than the political, but the band often addresses […]

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A Month of Protest: August

The music being made continues to reflect the current socio-political climate. Here is a recap of notable socially conscious music released during August. Songs/Videos: Black AF – Crystal Axis This is the latest tune by the Anti-colonial Afropunk band from Nairobi. The band posted the following statement on the song’s YouTube page: “Black AF draws from our various experiences as […]

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Daily Dose of Protest: Soon – Steven Keene

The veteran New York-based singer-songwriter and folk artist Steven Keene has established a reputation for composing timely social critiques. For example, his 2020 album Them and Us features the galvanizing title track and the stirring “Save Yourself”. He recently released his latest single “Soon”, his first release since Them and Us. Keene masterfully exposes a numb world sleepwalking towards the […]

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Spitting off the Edge of the World – Yeah Yeah Yeahs (featuring Perfume Genius)

The influential indie rock band Yeah Yeah Yeahs has recently released their first tune in close to a decade, “Spitting Off the Edge of the World,” off their upcoming album, Cool It Down, out Sept. 30. The song is a collaboration with indie-pop artist Perfume Genius, whose voice well complements front women Karen O. There is also a music video starring […]

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Daily Dose of Protest: Rising Sea – Midnight Oil

No strangers to socially conscious music, veteran Australian rock band Midnight Oil speaks out against climate change on their latest single and video “Rising Seas.” This timely tune was released just in time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). Doing what the band does best, the song is an urgent plea for real change. Politicians can’t just offer […]

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You Are Only Issued One Earth: April Playlist JusticeAid

Each month JusticeAid features a monthly playlist and blog post built around a specific theme. For April the theme is You Are Only Issued One Earth. The blog article features 10 songs with informative write-ups. It also includes a companion Spotify and YouTube playlist which features additional tracks. It is an excellently curated selection of environmental tunes.

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Daily Dose of Protest: Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree – David Rovics

David Rovics is a prolific singer-songwriter and activist who has been active for over two decades. He recently released the excellent album Strangers & Friends, which is well worth the listen. Along with the album tracks, Rovics often composes topical songs which he posts online. A recent example is the timely “Corona Virus Climate Catastrophe Fascist Empire 2020 Blues Massacree.” […]

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