Daily Dose of Protest: At Peace – Propagandhi

This is the title track from the upcoming album by the Canadian politically charged punk band, out May 2nd. The lyrics are about fighting to maintain inner peace in the midst of politically tumultuous times (“I am at peace, though presently convulsed with grief, I am at peace”). The lyrics also effectively quote Bruce Cockburn’s “Lovers In a Dangerous Time” […]

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40 Best Protest Albums of 2017

Hurray For The Riff Raff, from the artist’s Bandcamp I started this website back on December 6th, 2017. During that first month, I hastily compiled a list of the 25 best protest albums. Back then I wasn’t cataloguing what I was listening to like I am now. I decided to revisit the list and expand it to 40. You will […]

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100 Best Protest Albums of the 1990s

Much of the music of the 90s may be associated more with personal angst that political dissension, but it was still a rich decade for socially conscious music. The decade could be considered the golden age of afro-centric hip-hop music. Movements such as riot grrrl and queercore were also important in amplifying women and LGBTQ+ voices. There was a diverse […]

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80 Years of Protest Songs Part 3: 1979-1998

80 Years of Protest Songs Part 1: 1939-1958 80 Years of Protest Songs Part 2: 1959-1978 80 Years of Protest Songs Part 4: 1999-2018 The 1980s had the reputation of being shallow and self-absorbed, while the music of the 90s was known more for personal angst than for political discontent. Despite this there was still a wealth of songs shedding […]

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