Protest Music Hall of Fame: Little Boxes – Malvina Reynolds

“And the people in the housesAll went to the universityWhere they were put in boxesAnd they came out all the same” “Little Boxes” is an anti-conformist anthem composed by singer-songwriter and political activist Malvina Reynolds in 1962. The satirical tune critiques suburban housing development and middle-class conformity. It also popularized the term “ticky-tacky”. The song also received widespread attention when […]

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A Month Of Protest Music (August)

We continue to live in crazy times. The issues of police brutality and ongoing Black Lives Matter protests were magnified with Jacob Blake being shot seven times by police on August 23. Since then there has been increased violence and deaths with right-wing counter-protest groups traveling to Portland and Kenosha to stir up further divisiveness. On top of that, Corona […]

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Protest Music Hall of Fame 2019 Inductees

The final results are in and we now have the list of inductees into the second year of the Protest Music Hall of Fame. I will admit that Hall of Fame could be considered a misnomer. Instead of awarding accolades, it is about building awareness for socially conscious music. As the reach of this website grows, we will be able […]

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